Atlanta’s Number One Business Coach

  Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Business Coaching is the process of engaging one-on-one with business leaders to help them better understand themselves and their businesses. We then align this understanding with their life and business goals to produce: enhanced personal effectiveness, superior financial performance and greater personal happiness.

​What do business executives, concert violinists, airline pilots, physicians, professional golfers and tennis players have in common?

They all have Coaches and they all engage in continuous personal development.

Everyone needs a Coach at some point in their life.

If you want to spend more time with your family and less time at work, you need a Business Coach.

If you want to be a more effective leader, you need a Business Coach.

If you want to grow sales and increase profits, you need a Business Coach.

If you want your employees to perform at a higher level, you need a Business Coach.

If you are planning to exit your business in the next 5-years, you need a Business Coach.

If you want to be happier at work and in life, you need a Business Coach.

Everest Business Coaching will help you indentify areas in your business and professional life that need to improve in order for you to be as happy and successful as you had planned when you started your business. We help you form a strategic improvement plan, we meet weekly to review your progress and adjust priorities, and we hold you personally accountable for achieving your goals.

We help you become more effective personally and more successful financially which leads to greater happiness at home.

Business Coaching works and Everest Business Coaching will work for you.

Beyond One-on-One Business Coaching, we provide:

  • Group Coaching

  • Business Strategy Development

  • Business Leader Assessments, Key Employee Assessments & Facilitated Workshops

  • Sales Training & Time Management Seminars

  • Succession Planning & Business Exit Strategies

  • Keynote Speaking

Great coaching starts with great listening! With his well developed listening skills coupled with his proven track record of success, Jeff will be diligent in helping you make your business, and your personal life a success. He has hundreds of hours of one-on-one coaching experience, 30-years of business practice, global business expertise, world class training capabilities and very strong facilitation, and speaking skills.

Contact Everest Business Coaching today for a free consultation.